Saturday is that day that we justify putting off all those things that we know we should be doing because it's the weekend. Others days (we still put it off, don't get me wrong) there is a twinge of occasional--yet, thank goodness--quickly stifled guilt.
Above, there is a few pictures, obviously from the Mall of America, of two loves of mine: candy (though I hardly ever eat any) . . . and logging trucks (though I never get to drive any). Rebekah is in there too. I guess she is also high up there on the love list.
Rebekah and I love going shopping together which, conveniently enough, one can do at the Mall of America. We nearly never buy anything though, just try on clothes, pose, and take pictures; talk about and secretly point at nearly every person that walks past; and generally guffaw our guts out. It doesn't take much to entertain us; one would be surprised.
We have been house shopping in the St. Paul area. Interesting, eh? I've lately learned more about mortgages than I thought there was to know. We probably won't buy til next year, but it is exciting to look. I hope to do very interesting remodelling projects and keep everyone updated about them via the blog. Yesterday I picked up a random book by a Jeff Yaeger, of all the names, and he talked about remodelling their house out of unique recyclable materials. Sounded very cool. He also claimed to be The Ultimate Cheapskate which is the title of his book. It was a little funny, but I can't recommend it for I only read bits and pieces. I am all about financial wisdom, and Rebekah and I practice incredible frugality. But there where thoughts in his book that made me feel that there was an element of stifling hospitality which I abhor. (Not that we are as hospitable as we ought to be.) Someone should write a book "Hospitality on a Shoestring." Who knows maybe it is not like that. I did hardly read any of it.
In other news, tonight or tomorrow we are going to see "The Tempest" in the park, and next week we are going to see "Singing in the Rain" at the Ordway with Uncle Al and family. We are looking forward to seeing them.
I think Rebekah would make a fantastic logger! I'm enjoying your blog...I even played hangman!