I just found out that the largest mammal on the planet is not extinct. I don't know who fed me the lie about the whale, but fie on them. I have believed it my whole life. How could I have lived in darkness so long with something so large swimming on the same planet as me? How could one not notice around two million metric tons of Blue Whales in the world?
It's like being told your whole life that you don't have something as obvious as armpits, and then one morning realizing you do. A whole world of possibilities opens up for you. Albiet a world filled with greasy, smelly, hairy mess, yes, but also the beauty of armpit farts and manly arms-akimbo stances.
Its like scales have fallen from my eyes, and nothing appears the same anymore. Waves of truth lap over my consciousness again and again. I'm seeing everything through the lens of Blue Whale Existences. Everywhere I look, Everyone I see is obscured by the one blue thought: They're here hiding someplace.
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